I promise I’ll get back to blogging about writing next week! But one last exercise post for now. I’ve found that the time I spend working out directly relates to how focused I am throughout the day. One day after a brutal run I got through more of my to-dos than I had in the last several combined. Woohoo!
I’ve also been working hard on identifying new challenges for myself, both writing and exercise related. Anne, my trainer and dear friend, has been encouraging me to try swinging with kettlebells. And by encouraging, I mean telling me how many reps I will complete with the 18 lb. bell.
It’s just so innocent looking here… but after swinging it 500+ times in 45 minutes, I was wiped. But it was also exhilarating to have my heart rate up so fast so consistently. And I felt like a real gym rat after she taped me up!
New challenges at the gym help me to think outside the box – and indeed I think I have fixed some major flaws with my new YA novel. I’m not quite ready to go back to writing in it yet, but I am so much closer.