I’m back at home, hunkered down in my cool, dark house. It’s been in the 90s in the bay area the past few days and while that heat isn’t breaking any records, it sure seems unusual to me. It’s going to be one hot May!
I also cannot believe how quickly this year has flown by. I began the year in Tahiti, and have since made several visits to the east coast, and attended a writer’s workshop in Vegas. Whew! This past weekend I got to celebrate the wedding of our good friends from college, who had been in our wedding party way back in 2011. It was an absolute blast. I laughed, cried, danced and got to hug so many people that I care about. To add to the success of the weekend, I wrote some words!
1,500 words, pounded out in one blitzed session. By Saturday morning I was ready to write, and knowing I only had computer access for a little while, I crammed all of my thoughts into a few scenes. They are not perfect, but they are progress. I am now even more excited for my next trip, a workshop in Philadelphia at the end of May. I’ve chosen the writing track there, so I will have plenty of dedicated time to stare at my computer and trying to wrangle Iron into submission. I suspect I will need at least another month to get a working draft of this book. Sigh.
For now, though, I am going to enjoy the warm fuzzies that come with having seen my Holmes friends.